The Unknown

I don't know why it calls me
But it does
I feel its voice whip across my ears
Its soft caress cools my skin
Its kiss turns my fingers to ice
I ask where it comes from
Why does it come to me
Call to me
Its only answer is a frozen blast
Pulling my hair
Exposing my bare neck
I call again
This time
I listen
I hear its source
It beats within my chest
It comes from within
I am thrust into the world
The heated sun beats down upon me
The icicles on my skin retreat inward
Feeling like thousands of needles as they delve deep into my skin
To my heart
To their source
The bright sun's light blinds me
I squint
It is over-bearing
I yearn to retreat into the dark cold cave
My home
But yet
This world of light intrigues me
It is like nothing I have ever known
But I am of the cold
The dark
I do not belong among the children of the sun
I do no understand them
The more I want to know
The more I stay in the sun
The more I find myself stuck in the light
The more I forget the dark
The cold
My beginnings

january 23, 2004

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