Why am I so different
Why do I stand out
I just want to blend in
Be like everybody else
Why can?t a weed be beautiful
Why do I get pointed out
Stamped out
I just want to fit in
So maybe I?m a grey cloud on a sunny day
Why do people hate me for it
I am what I am
I bring rain
Replenish the sun dried earth
But you hate me
You curse the water from heaven
It is not what you wanted
I?m just trying to help
Do what I can to make the flowers bloom
I?m sorry the weeds grow with them
But I don?t pick and chose who receives water
My life?s gift
I just give
You want me to conform
To disappear
To be born anew
Be as one of you
But why can?t I just be me
Why isn?t me good enough
Can?t you just accept me
You want to cut me down
Make me into paper
Blank paper for you to write upon
Make your own
But why can?t you just enjoy me as I am
Enjoy the cooling comfort of my shady branches
Which try to block the harsh, burning sun
Why can?t you just enjoy looking at me
As nature made me
In my natural, true state
Why do you want to alter me
Can?t I fit in as I am
But no
Society wants flowers
Not weeds
Not rain
Not forests
But that?s who I am
The ?nots?
I can?t change
I won?t change
I just want to be me
january 29, 2004
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