Digimon First Season


Name: TK Takuishi
Age: 8
Family: Matt- older brother, mom- Nancy Takaishi (lives with, parents divorced), dad- Hiroaki Ishida (doesn�t live with) and grandfather- Michel
Eats Eggs with: likes the idea of jelly beans, but otherwise give no indication
Crest: Hope
Digimon: Patamon

Tac: I like Angemon� ^.^
A: -_-� This isn�t his page, Tac, he has his own� so save it ~sticks out tongue~
Tac: ^.^ Yay.
Tic: Don�t forget me! The Major Dictator has something to say too
Tac: � Who cares what evil has to say. Good always triumphs. ^.~
A: ~shakes head and mumbles~ What did I ever do to deserve these two? � Anyway ~glances at Tic~ TK is really cool and� steals. the. show? ~inches away~
Tic: That�s right. And don�t you forget it, pencil pusher. And the only reason Good triumphs is because the Evil idiots don�t take out the Good when they have the chance.
A: Oh boy� x.x help me�
Tac: Nice excuse for a wannabe James Bond villain.
Tic: If I was a James Bond villain, he�d be out in 5 minutes. He�s just too easy to kill. That�s why I�m not a JB villain.
A: Who authorized this to become a James Bond page? Not me! So I�m terminating this page! ~stops page~

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