Digimon First Season



Level: Baby

Type: Data

Attack: Bubble


Level: In-Training

Type: Data

Attack: Bubble Blow


Level: Rookie

Type: Data

Attack: Poison Ivy


Level: Champion

Type: Data

Attack: Needle Spray


Level: Ultimate

Type: Data

Attack: Flower Cannon
Flower Wreath

A: I love her evolutions ^.^
Tic: I like Palmon, she has pretties
Tac: ......And you're the evil one?
Tic: what just cause I'm evil I can�t say pretties?
Tac: ....HE says pretties.....~gulps~
Tic: I love the Pixiemon
A: yupyup ~smiles~ lol
Tac: I don't like ferns..
A: o.O??
Tic: whose he
Tac: HE.... The Queen of Diamonds..
Tic: ohhh. any way I like Pixiemon
Tac: That's only because u r a pixie
A: does she digivolve farther than that?
Tac: Yes. She could digivolve into Rosemon
Tic: is it Pixiemon or is he a short fuzzy guy
A: Pixiemon!
Tac: It�s something else
Tic: hmmm.
A: okay.... so.... we established Palmon's cool... anything else?
Tac: .....:-\
Tic: fine moving on
Tac: moving one ~giggles~
A: new person... er.. digimon!!!
Tic: ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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