Digimon First Season


Level: Ultimate

Type: Virus

Attack: Grisly Wing
Nightmare Claw
Crimson Lightning

Tac: VenomMyotismon is better. Looks cooler at least
A: well, he's stronger, right?
Tic: Myotismon is sooooooooooooooo cooooooooool! (floats) :-*
A: Tic's happy
Tac: But he got beat by 4 kids and 2 digimon....he was such a wimp...
Tic: venom is big!!!!:-D
A: ..... hint- 6 against 1.... Devimon- 1 against 1 and lost
Tac: ~deflates Tic's happiness~
Tic: yeah but your stupid creatures of light couldn't do him in!!!
Tac: WarGreymon did! :-D
A: oh boy, it's starting
Tic: so he�s no light
Tac: He's on the side of GOOD!
Tic: (smiles sweetly and floats again) who cares fire cool
A: but good isn't light, sweetie
Tac: Plus the angel digimon were a part of Myotismon's downfall, they gave their powers to Agumon and Gabumon
Tic: fire pretty
A: flames..... heehee
Tic: gaaa!
Tac: NEXT!!!!!!
Tic: no!
Tac: YES!! ~holds back Tic~ TURN IT NOW!!!
A: ~sets fire to page and watches it burn~ pretty....
Tic: Myotismon is sooo cool and pretty and a good bad guy

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