Tac: ..................IDIOT!IDIOT!IDIOT!!!!!! Metal baboon-butt faced, Elvis-wannabee, loser
A: yeah, he's more powerful, but just as stupid
Tic: He went metal? when?
Tac: After he got defeated
A: after they killed him once and then...
Tic: ???????
A: they killed him again
Tic: does not compute.
A: how so?
Tac: He came back as: Super-retarded-Metal-Scrapheap-Of-A-Monkey!
Tic: okay I got that
Tac: Next puh-lease!
A: ~shrugs~ works for me, I motion that we move on
Tac: AYE!
A: Tic?
Tac: Move on ~giggles~