A: The computer brainiac� ^.^
Tac: � now he�s a geek.
Tic: No he�s cooler than Joe
A: � ~blink blink~ anyone can be cooler than Joe. But that�s not the point. Izzy is cool! That�s the point.
Tac: � hmm� Still won�t date him, he�s no Matt
A: Truetrue
Tic: Who asked you to date him? Besides he�s funny when he�s doing the alphabet dance.
A: He�s prodigious! He coined that phrase for all Digimon fans! ^.^ He rocks!
Tac: ~thinks~ � it would be sooo easy to hack into his computer
A: ~glares~ would not! You forget, my cloud-filled friend, he�s a computer genius! He could type circles around your pathetic computer skills! MWAHAHAHA!
Tic: Haha! You�re an airhead!
Tac: � whatever id and burnt-butt. ~floats calmly, thinking~
A: ~blink blink~ Tic, did you catch that?
Tic: Yep and I�d rather be a burnt butt than you
A: o.O?... whatever
Tac: At least I don�t have to put up with the slut of Satan (Britt Spears)
Tic: I told you she was a bad experiment gone worse! She�ll spend eternity in nothingness when I get my way!
A: That is not prodigious, changing topics!
Tac: � is that grammatically correct?
A: of course! We�re in my head, therefore, if I say it�s correct, it is!
Tic: ~singing~ Hey Digimon, hey Digimon
Tic and A: ~singing~ Champions of the digital world
Tic, A and Tac: ~singing~ Hey Digimon, hey Digimon, monster friends to the boys and girls. Hey Digimon, hey Digimon, Champions of the DIGITAL WORLD!!!