Digimon First Season



Level: Baby

Type: Vaccine

Attack: Bubble


Level: In-Training

Type: Vaccine

Attack: Bubble Blow


Level: Rookie

Type: Vaccine

Attack: Fire Paw


Level: Champion

Type: Vaccine

Attack: Lightning Paw
Lightning Claw
Cat's Eye Hypnotism
Tail Ring


Level: Ultimate

Type: Vaccine

Attack: Celestial Arrow
Heaven's Tongue

A: ^.^ The ultimate initially evil but turns good! She rocks! She has attitude and never looses it, even after turning good. Mreow! ~claws air in imitating cool-cool Gatomon~
Tac: Angels rock! Feathery, glowiness! ~floats on unpopable bubble of happiness~
A: ~whispers to Tic, than smiles evilly~
Tic: ~strikes match and puts it under bubble~ Anyway Gatomon was only cool when she worked for Myotismon ~smiles dreamily as Tac�s bubble goes up in flames~
A: ~laughs~ pretty flames! Flames� pretty� ~stares into flames formerly known as Tac�s bubble~
Tac: ~makes new bubble from Atealia�s happiness; lounges on bubble~ heh�
A: WAH! Give back bubble! Bubble� MINE! ~stamps foot~
Tic: ~punches Atealia in the back of the head and pops bubble~ take that!
A: ~glares~ hmp ~wanders off, searching for Gatomon so that she might �deal with� the two annoying obstructions on her shoulders~
Tac: ~makes new bubble out of Atealia�s daydreams of Matt, Rowen, and Duo wee!~
A: Who said I was daydreaming of them? This is the awesome, all powerfully coolnessly great, Gatomon�s Page!
Tic: Hey! I�m the only awesome all powerfully coolnessly great deity thing here! And don�t you forget it.
A: ~rolls eyes~ If you say so�
Tac: ~cough cough~ NEXT!
A: ~holds Tic back as Tac changes pages~

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