Tic: Biyomon is the worst digimon. She�s stupid. She needs a helmet like Sora! FYI- Tac is the good one, A. I�m Bad, Evil, Horrid! Got it?!?
A: ~blink blink~ You have now all witnessed 1st hand the insanity that exists within my head, which I fondly refer to as Tic� as for Biyomon. Yeah, compared to the other digimon (especially Gatomon and Gabumon) she is stupid and her evolutions are pretty lame, too�
Tac: Birdy of love turns to demonic-hell beast! ~screams~ Watch out for its droppings!
Tic: o.O??
A: ~whacks Tac upside the head~ will you stop it you, air-head! ~sighs~ why me? Why must she be air-head to no extreme!!!
Tac: Ok. I ever taught you how to speak� that was Tic�s job. She obviously slacked off.
A: Atealia know how speak extraly good Engish.
Tic: That speaking job was yours don�t pass your failure off on this hamster.
A: Speaking of failures... ~points to Biyomon~
Tac: Actually, Tic, I think her teachers were supposed to teach her proper grammar�
A: What�s a teacher? :P
Tic: It was your job to make her study. Uhoh, she�s eavesdropping, where did you put that �How to keep an idiot busy� card.
Tac: In her book. Anyway� I obviously wasn�t herd. When she was paying attention to your suggestion of running off and joining the circus.
A: ~cringes~ clowns scawwee! Biyo� I mean... a digimon with brains, save me!
Tic: Hey, if she didn�t learn to fear clowns sooner or later, she would have run off with some guy in make up. Besides the circus was fun. You liked playing in the tiger pit. ~smiles evilly~
Tac: Yeah only because the stupid kid was stuck and I had to save her. As to the guy in make up, he�s not her boyfriend� yet.
A: I like kitties! Kitties are cute! I like to play with little kitty-cats! =^.^= And I wouldn�t run off with a guy in make up! Though, I have a met a really nice, but really ugly lady with a really deep voice who invited me over for cookies�
Tac: ~shudders~ Tic� educate the child.
Tic: Gladly� you see A. Ladies don�t have deep voice or Adam�s apples and did he ask you if you liked milk? �cause I don�t think...
A: ~yawns~ I have feeling this will take awhile� so readers, just continue on.