Tac: WarGreymon is cool!
A: But MetalGarurumon is cooler!
Tac: Fine� but BlackWarGreymon is the awesomest!
A: � umm� when did you two ~points to Tic and Tac~ switch places?
Tic: She can have BlackWarGreymon. He�s a wimp compared to SkullGreymon.
A: He is kinda cool� but in the series it was kinda fluke that he digivoled into him (he being Agumon and him being SkullGreymon)
Tac: Agreed. But my favorite digi-evolution chain of all time is Guilmon�s. He�s 3rd season.
A: Ah! Ah! No! No! Bad Tac! No 3rd Season. Atealia refuse! No talk! And it be digivolution! Not digi-evolution� Atealia think Tac freak�
Tic: Super. I liked Renemon in 3rd season. Then the multitail digi-volution- tail fire cool.
A: ~glares~ Take this 3rd season thing one sentence further and I terminate Agumon�s page! ~glares more!
Tac: Crimson Gallatmon is awesome! Go Guilmon!
~the sound of TV static fills the now empty page~